When Rotarian Jeremy Fogg suggested that COVID19 teachers should have buttons that showed the faces that are obscured by the masks, just so students can know what their teachers really look like, the idea grew like wildfire. In short order and thanks to the quick action of Jeremy and lots of help from his family, and the donated services of a local photographer, as well as members of the Rotary club to assemble the buttons and package them and deliver them to the schools, now ALL THE PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS IN ELIOT AND SOUTH BERWICK have these beautiful photo buttons of themselves that they can wear in class. We are grateful for the services of the photographer, Erin, of Mercy Street Studio, who worked so well with us and the educators to complete this project in a timely manner. This was truly a feel-good and do-good project! And now we have our own button-making-machine and supplies to do more! Thanks to everyone who helped and cooperated with this worthwhile project.