Meeting at Berwick Academy
It was an intimate gathering in the lovely dining hall of Berwick Academy.  The Catered Event provided the yummy breakfast and BA the hot beverages.  President Brenda could not attend and so our Vice President ("in name only") Skip Cousens presided over the meeting.  If you didn't come, you missed a meeting where members shared a brief account of something that we might not have known about them.  It was like being in a reality TV show!  Here are some tidbits:
Did you know that a presidential first lady changed Deb DeColfmacker's life?
Did you know that Skip Cousens spent time with British royalty?
Did you know that Hap Moore really did see the world while in the navy?
Did you know that Richard Donhauser wooed a long-legged Venezuelan beauty?
Did you know that your club secretary wore mini-skirts in Algeria and was still called "Monsieur"?
The stories were great and if you weren't there we are sorry you missed them.  Maybe we'll do that again sometime when we don't have a speaker scheduled.
Please check out the list of upcoming activities on the left side of this bulletin for important reminders.
Your club secretary will be away on Thursday, but we hope the rest of you will come to the meeting at Berwick Academy.  They are a great way to start the day!